Virtual Mediation: Things to (do) for a successful virtual mediation. by Jailey Simpson
Do choose a mediator with online mediation training.
In addition to Comprehensive Divorce and Family Mediation Training, our mediators at Simpson Legal Group, LLC, have also completed Online Zoom Mediation Training. This additional training ensures that your virtual mediation is conducted by a mediator that is experienced and comfortable with the platform in which he/she will conduct your virtual mediation.
Do familiarize yourself with the virtual platform prior to your mediation.
Our mediators conduct their mediation sessions through Zoom. It is beneficial for the mediation participants to download Zoom on their device and create an account prior to the scheduled mediation session. If participants are comfortable with the basic features of Zoom, i.e., muting/unmuting themselves, they will be able to focus closely on the issues being mediated rather than tending to technical difficulties.
Do check your internet connection.
Similar to familiarizing yourself with the virtual platform, participants should check the speed of their internet connection to avoid connectivity issues during your online mediation session. This can be done by using a “speed test” website or simply trying out a Zoom meeting with a family member or friend. If you find that you do not have sufficient bandwidth, Zoom has a call-in feature. This feature allows you to call from a cell phone or land line instead of using the internet audio option.
Do maintain confidentiality.
Our mediators have resolved issues with confidentiality by choosing a virtual platform with high security features. The mediator has the ability to lock the videoconference, thereby confirming that no one can enter the online mediation session without first being accepted into the videoconference by the mediator.
Additionally, our mediators will use a “breakout room” function. This function allows the participants to be in separate virtual rooms. Your mediator will make an agreement with you at the outset of the mediation regarding how you wish your mediator to enter your breakout room. For example, a mediator will wait to be called back into your breakout room rather than arriving unannounced. This ensures that any privileged or confidential conversations are not overheard by the mediator or any other participants.