Online Mandatory Parenting Classes Offered during COVID-19
A new Supervisory Order was entered April 2, 2020, allowing the District Courts of the State of Iowa to approve attendance at online parenting courses in compliance with the Iowa laws mandating completion of a parenting course for cases involving child custody or visitation. Several District Court Chief Judges have issued Orders permitting parties to utilize online parenting classes in order to comply with the statutory requirement. These Orders ensure that your case can continue to move forward during this period of reduced court access.
To register for your online class, if you are located in the Fourth Judicial District, please go to the following website:
• Southwest Iowa Mediation Center: The Southwest Iowa Mediation Center has established a temporary alternative to in-person classes as evidenced by their online parenting class offered during COVID-19. Located on the website is a link which takes you directly to the Center for Divorce Education where there is a class entitled “Children in Between”. The online class is a 4 hour class. After completion of the class, the participant can download a certificate of completion for filing with court. The class is 100% online and is available 24/7 on computers, smartphones and tablets. Once paid for, the participant has a 30 day access period. This class is approved by the Fourth Judicial District, however, other classes may have been approved for different districts in the State of Iowa.
For any questions or concerns that may arise regarding this issue, do not hesitate to contact Simpson Legal Group, LLC at (712) 256-9899. We will assist you to find the best possible class appropriate for you.