Social media has been continually evolving and transforming into an outlet for people to share anything and everything about their lives. Posting on these platforms can be a way to connect with others, however, it is crucial to understand that anything said or posted on social media may be used against you in your divorce proceeding. Now, more than ever, family attorneys are using social media posts as evidence in divorce proceedings.
Typically, it is recommended that clients completely refrain from posting on social media for numerous reasons. Social media posts may have a definite impact on asset division and custodial determinations. Posts can also disclose a timeline of one’s activities or actions. It is not unusual for an attorney to request the parties in a family law case to turn over their social media passwords or to retrieve content from their social media sites in order to use the discovered evidence at trial. These posts can be an important factor for the judge to consider when he/she is determining these issues.
If you are involved in a family law case, it is important to get legal advice regarding this issue. For any questions or concerns related to this topic, please contact Shannon Simpson at Simpson Legal Group, LLC today at 712-256-9899.